Thursday, July 23, 2009


The general tendency among the educated group of people is to criticize all our old traditions and religious books. We have come under the influence of English people who has ruled us for about 200 years and Mughals who has ruled us for about 600 years and has destroyed all our old VED AND SHASTRA’S. Actually the HINDU Religious Books are based on scientific theories and if the so called modern people claim that they can tell us the future eclipses then we can also say that our RISHI, MUNI’S has declared all this in their PANCHANGS thousands of years back. It can not be denied that some ANDH VISHWAS has come due to the illiteracy but it does not mean that all our VED SHASTRA’S were useless. When they knew about the future dates of these eclipses then it is also sure that they did know about the reasons of eclipses. Not only this but they did also know about the effect of these eclipses on the human behavior and special effect on the some groups of human’s as described in the ASTROLOGY.

Actually our forefathers knew that all the planets are linked with the SUN with a magnetic force and also to each other with a magnetic force. These magnetic forces keep on changing with the changing positions of various planets. They did also know about the magnetic field of a human. There main principle of dividing the humans in to 12 RASHI’S is based on the type of magnetic field in the body of a human with respect to the various planets position at the time of birth and there effect on that human body. That positions of the planets hints about the nature of that human and on the basis of those magnetic fields the 12 RAHI’S were divided.

Since the so called modern science has not achieved that level of knowledge that is why just to satisfy their ego they are discarding these facts as mythology. Now some scientist has started saying that the gravitational force of earth changes slightly during the eclipses. Now they are also studying the effect of eclipses on the animals and started accepting that they behave abnormally during the eclipses. Actually the human’s also feel the effects in their body and their behavior but they can control that effect as they have more stable brain then animals. Now some scientist has also accepted that the people having the problem of depression, high blood pressure and other mental or psychological problems behave abnormally during the eclipses. In fact during the eclipse the magnetic field between the SUN, MOON & EARTH disturbed due to their abnormal positions and similarly the magnetic field on the human on the earth also get disturbed and they behave abnormally. The astrology gives the effect of change of magnetic field on the different RASHI’S during eclipses and that gives the tentative effect of eclipses on the human’s of different RASHI’S.

When these eclipses come very frequently and the magnetic fields are disturbed very frequently then the fear of natural calamities always prevail. So all these things are not mythology and we should try to take the help of these VED & SHASTRA to understand the effect of the eclipses on the human behavior and life.

Friday, July 17, 2009


On one side the whole world is not sure about the evolution of earth. On the other side they are not ready to accept the findings of Hindu religion where as no other religion is so scientific and old as is the Hindu Religion. That is why it is called SANAATAN (oldest) DHARAM. The Hindu Religion has not only explained about the origin of earth but has given the detail of how this whole BRAHMAND (universe) came into existence. As per Hindu religion when there was no life, no earth, no fire, no water, no sound, no taste nothing was there at that time the owner of this whole energy Lord Shiv was in Nirakar (without any shape) Nirgun (irrespective of any quality or which is not concerned) was in BrahamTatav (basic energy) Roop (form). There was no Sun or Moon or earth or planets or stars. There was only darkness all around. At the time when that ALMIGHTY GOD wanted to create life, then the first thing He has produced from HIMSELF was in a SAKAR ROOP (visible form) who was LORD SHIV. That Divine force took the shape as Lord Shiv which we worship.

Then Lord Shiv created another body from Him and is called Shiva (the female part from within the body) and which is the origin of Shakti (energy), Prakarati (nature), Maya (attractions). That is why LORD SHIV is also called ARDH-NARESHWAR. The Lord Shiv and Shiva decided to create a peace of land to live and that place was called ANAND VAN (land of happiness) and is now a days called as KASHI or VARANASI or BANARAS. This is the land where even today the LORD SHIV along with SHIVA lives and it is believed in Hindu religion that who so ever die in this City will get the MOKSH (will get rid of the Cycle of BIRTH AND DEATH).Also it is believed that when the whole universe will finish at that time also only KASHI will not be destroyed. The famous Temple of LORD SHIV–KASHI VISHWNATH (the owner of this world) is situated here.

After some time They thought that They may form another body who will be handling the creation of this NATURE and running the NATURE. So after rubbing the AMRIT on 10th part of HIS body LORD SHIV created another body very Strong and complete in all senses. The newly created body ask LORD SHIV after birth, the reason of creating Him and request Lord Shiv to give a name to Him. Lord SHIV gave Him the name as VISHNU (the person responsible to run the Vishav-world) and told Him to create the whole nature and run it effectively. Accepting the directions, God Vishnu started the GREAT TAPASYA (meditation) and while doing the meditation, the various streams of water came out from His body and that is why He is also called NARAYAN (owner of Neer-water). That is why the rest place of God Vishnu is the water. At this by the blessings of God Vishnu from the nature MAHATAVTA (importance) comes out which further give rise to 3 GUNAS (type of nature of people), TIVIDH AHANKAR (three types of proud) which further give rise to 5 TANTARAMYA and which further give rise to 5 BHOOT and it further give rise to other GYANANDERIAY (feelings) and KARAMAYENDRIYA (working sense). Like this total 24 TATAVS were created.

He took rest on the water and after a long time a very beautiful KAMAL (lotus) comes out from the NABHI of God Vishnu and Lord Shiv creates GOD BRAHMA from his right part and put God Brahma in that lotus. But when GOD BRAHMA became active then HE found HIMSELF in the lotus and to know about HIS father, HE started taking round of that lotus and try to find out its end. But even after HIS thousands of attempt HE could not find the origin point of that lotus. When God Brahma was very confused at that time an AKASHWANI (spiritual voice) was heard ‘DO TUP (meditation)”. After listening this, God Brahma started doing TAPASYA (meditation). After a very long Tapasya of God Brahma, God Vishnu became happy and gave HIM the DARSHAN (become visible) and told him that only LORD SHIV is the owner of whole of this. Later while debating a dispute cropped up between GOD VISHNU and GOD BRAHMA over the supremacy. When they could not solve it at that time a pillar of cool and pleasant fire suddenly comes out from the earth. Both of THEM tried to find out the origin of this pillar. But even after coming up and down thousands time THEY could not find the beginning and end of that pillar. When BOTH OF THEM could not succeed then THEY went to the SHARAN (shelter) of LORD SHIVA and remember HIM. After thousands of years of meditation by THEM, then the LORD SHIV and SHIVA comes out in the form of NAAD (sound) ‘OM” from the pillar. Since the pillar was with LAY (sound) that is why it is also called the LING ROOP of LORD SHIV.

This word OM in Hindi or Sanskrit is consisting of three parts. The first part ‘AA” represent- BEEJ (seed) means GOD BRAHMA and middle part “OO” represent the YONI –GOD VISHNU-responsible to control and run the universe and last part “MA” represent LORD SHIV who is BEEJAK (the power responsible for putting the seed ). So “OM” is the first MANTAR and is also called PARANAV MANTAR. From that pillar LORD SHIV along with DEVI SHIVA came out and told GOD BRAHMA & GOD VISHNU that this pillar is a HIS LING ROOP and shall be worshiped like HIM only. LORD SHIV gave the full knowledge of VEDAS’S first to GOD VISHNU then GOD BRAHMA.

Lord Shiv also assigned the duty of creating life to God BRAHMA and running the life AND to control the life to God VISHNU. Lord SHIV also said that from there after God Vishnu will look after the God Brahma and will provide help in the formation and running of Srishti. Lord SHIV also told them that one creation of DEVI SHIVA –the female counter part of HIM, will create VAGH DEVI for GOD BRAHMA and LAKSHMI DEVI for GOD VISHNU and also told them that another GOD in the name of GOD RUDHAR will also come, Who will be exactly similar to LORD SHIV and nobody will be able to distinguish between LORD SHIV and God RUDHAR. LORD SHIV also directed that GOD RUDHAR shall be given the same respect as is given to LORD SHIV and the third female part created by SHIVA will be KAALI DEVI for God RUDHAR. GOD RUDHAR will be responsible for the destruction and end of life in the universe. LORD SHIV also told that GOD RUDHAR will come out from the eyebrows of GOD BRAHMA. After that LORD SHIV disappear and went to KAILASH LOK (HIS PLACE) from there and also God Vishnu went to the BAIKUNTH DHAM (His place).

Then the God Brahma took some water in HIS hand and did the JAL ARPAN (gave water after keeping the hand above the head) as a respect to LORD SHIV and God Vishnu. Immediately a GOLDEN EGG appeared but was in a JADH (without life) Roop and was consisted of 24 TATAVS (already discussed above) and having access from PATAL LOK TO SATYA LOK. Disappointed with this God Brahma keeps on with TAPSAYA for 12 years and after that God Vishnu appears and asked God Brahma about the problem. God Brahma told God Vishnu that the egg is not having CHETNA (life) then God Vishnu enters that egg and broke that egg. The lower half portion of that was converted into earth and the upper half of the egg was converted in to Universe on the top.

First of all TAMSI PRAVARTI appears which represent the PAAP and is also called AVIDHYA PANCHAK. Then God Brahma created SATHAVAR SANGHYK VRIKSH and is also called MUKHAY SARG. It was not able to do KARAMs all trees and plants belong to this category. Then God Brahma created TRIYOKSROTRA which means moving in TIRCHI direction and all animals and birds over and under the water comes in this category which also is a BHOG YONI. Then God Brahma created URDHAV SATRAN SARG under which DEVTAs were created, which is again a BHOG YONI. Then God Brahma created AVARKSROTRA under which the human beings were created and were able to do KARAM. Then God Brahma created BHOOT etc other Yoni’s. Then God Brahma creates four sons from Himself and this process is called KOMARSARG.

He gave instructions to HIS sons to create SARISHTI but they refused and pleaded that they will only do the TAPSYA and worship LORD SHIV. At this God Brahma got angry and did very hard TAPASYA to make LORD SHIVA happy. In the mean time, God Rudhar appeared from the in between space of God Brahma was exactly alike LORD SHIV and was in ARDHNARISHVAR ROOP. The GOD BRAHMA request God Rudhar to create some humans. He created many RUDHAR GAN from Him. God Brahma requested him to create HUMANS with birth and death. God Rudhar, who is LORD SHIV, in fact refused and said that the JEEV with birth and death will never be happy so GOD RUDHAR will not create them and HE will only help them to come out of this cycle by giving them GYAN and KIRPA so this thing will have to be done by GOD BRAHMA only and went away from there with HIS RUDHARGAN.

Then God Brahma by combining 5 SOOKSHAM BHOOT established JADH AKKASH, JAL, VAYU, AGNI called PANCH BHOOT. Then God Brahma created- RISHI- MAREECH, BRAHG, ANGIRA, PULLAH, PULASTYA, VASHISHT, KRATU, ATRI, DAKSH, NARAD, KARDAM AND DHARAM. . Then God Brahma created his ARDH NARISHWAR ROOP and from HIM created DEVI VAGHA. With Her help God Brahma created MANU and SHATROOPA. Then RISHI Manu got married with the SHATROOPA and starts the MAITHUNI SRISHTI (world with intercourse between the opposite sex) and gave birth to two sons PRIYA VART AND UTTAN PADH and three daughter named AAKUTI who was later married to RISHI RUCHI then DEVHUTI who later got married to RISHI KARDAM and third PARSOOTI who got married to RISHI DAKSH and gave birth to so many children who further created the different spices of JEEVS including Human beings. The famous Roop of Devi Sati was in the form of daughter of Daksh who got married with LORD SHIV.

Even today the Hindu’s know their GOTRA to which they belongs to and actually shows the Rishi whose was the forefather of their VANSH. So, like that the HISTORY OF HINDHU DHARAM cannot be simply discarded by saying MYTHOLOGY since it is very scientific and if the detail of our VEDHs, SHASTRAs are studied then the complete family History of any Hindu can be find out. Even today when we go to HARIDWAR we can see our family history and name of our forefathers up to hundred of years perhaps up to the time back when the humans started writing. So, ultimately I will say that if we want to know about NATURE then we should give up the intention of WINNING the NATURE and shall try to take the blessings from Nature and try to understand Nature by understanding it with her help only.

Monday, July 13, 2009



A lot is said about the life of a human being as how it comes in the body, who has created the life, what happens after the death, who runs this life etc. But the today’s science is not able to create a life independently and could not solve the mystery of death. This science has not reached any of the planets and has reached only on the Moon. The ancient Indian scientists called Rishi Munnis did not only knew about the history of evolution of earth but also did know about the other planets. Not only this but they did know that how the life on earth starts and when it ends and when it again restart and how. This is a very vast subject and we will discuss in detail about this in our future topics To under stand the present topic we shall remember that the life on earth is created by Lord Shiv. He has the female part in Himself and that is why He is called ARDHNARISHWAR(Half portion of His body is Male and Half portion of His body is female). The female part of His body is called SHIVA. Means SHIV AND SHIVA are the two unsperable part of His body and are also called SHIV AND SHAKAATI means the female part is also called Shakati(power). Lord Shiv is worshiped in both forms NIRAKAR(without any shape-AS LING) and SAKKAR (which has specific shape like statues of Lord Shiv).Lord Shiv has created the Brahmand(universe) by creating from Himself His three counterparts called BRAHMA-VISHNU and RUDHAR. Among Them God Brahama who was created from his left part is given the responsibility of creating Sarashti(life) in this universe , God Vishnu who was created from the right part of Lord Shiv is given the responsibility of running the Sarashti(life). God Rudhar who was created from the middle of eyes of Lord Shiv and is supposed to be the true copy of Lord Shiv in Sakar Roop is given the responsibility of destroying the life at the end of Sarishti.

Similarly our body is supposed to be of three parts
SUKSHAM(very fine) SHAREER(some time called life,JIVATAMA) and
KARAN(reason, cause of life or who created the life or PARAM ATMA-SOUL).

As we have discussed in our previous articles about BHOG AND KARAM YONI, the third part which represent the Almighty Lord Shiv or God Rudhar is supposed to be present in the Human life only, as only humans are supposed to be in the Karam Yoni. The Karam(action) done by a human in Karam Yoni decide about the future of that human. Mostly once if a human enters the Karam Yoni that human keeps on taking birth in the Karam Yoni and keeps on getting the family according to his Karam. But when the GOOD OR THE BAD KARAMS of a human exceeds the limit then that human is sent to the BHOG YONI’S. It is also not necessary that all the Bhog Yoni’s are bad. The entry in the SWARG( heaven) is also a Bhog Yoni and a human gets the SWARG when he does the extremely good Karams with some KAMANA(desire). The life in SWARAG is a BHOG YONI as the members in SWARAG can not do any new Karams. They can only enjoy the life of SWARAG and when the good Karams earned by that human being is finished then that human is again sent to the earth to earn new Karams. But some people worship God or do the Good Karams without having any Kamana (desire) and are called to be doing good Karams with NISHKAM BHAV(without any desire). Since they wanted nothing in lieu of their Good Karams then they get the Moksh and get merged in the NIRAKAR ROOP OF ALMIGHTY LORD SHIV and never take birth on this MRITYU LOK(earth).

Also the human who do the extra ordinary bad Karams then they are pushed to bad Bhog Yoni’s like animals, bird etc. Since they are not suppose to do any new Karam in the Bhog Yoni’s, so the part of Param Atma is not present in them and are run only by the Suksham Shareer-Jeev Atma. When the effect of the bad Karams of Human ends then that human is again sent to the Karam Yoni to do the good Karams and not to repeat the previous mistake. In Karam Yoni the Karam which can lead a human into bad Bhog Yoni’s can be destroyed only by helping the spices who are spending their life in the Bhog Yoni’s. This is the main reason for which the Hindu religion always strongly recommends to help and feed the Animals and birds and AHINSA(non-violation).

To understand the functioning of human life we shall first understand what happens after the death of a human being. After death the STHOOL SHAREER becomes dead as the Jeev Atma is taken out by the Yams of Yamraj( the God who take the JEEV ATMA after death) and the Pram Atma goes to God Rudhar and give Him the record of all the activities of that human being. After judging the activities of that human a Yoni is allotted to the human being and accordingly a body is find out where to plant that Jeev Atma or Suksham Shreer. If it is Karam Yoni then at the time of birth the Atma(a very small part of Paramatma) also enters the body and start recording the activities of the human body. So like that it can be seen that in first few months only body grows in the Uterus of a lady and after few months when the body fully takes shape then the Jeev Atama enters that body and body starts movement. Like wise immediately after birth the ATMA enters the body and start recording the activities. I may also quote here that up to 10 days the SUKSHAM SHAREER remain in touch with the family of previous life and visit the place of grieved family. Some time it try to attacks the person who has cremenated the dead body in anger because he is the person who has destroyed the body which that SOOKSHAM SHAREER has left. Due to this reason in Hindu religion the person who has cremenated the dead body always keep a weapon made up of Iron with him up to 10 days. One more thing is seen in the Hindu Religion that up to 10 days when we give some eatables to dog or crow in the name of dead human being, they do not take it and immediately on 11 the day they (dog or crow) start accepting it. Also up to 40 days a newly born infant do not recognize the mother or father and keeps on laughing or crying of his own and only after 40 days the infant started recognizing the people and things around him. Actually up to 40 days the SOOKSHAM SHAREER remains connected with the memories of his previous birth and recollecting those memories he sometime laugh and some time cries. After 40 days the infant starts forgetting the previous life and starts making relationship with the new surroundings. When the child starts talking by that time he completely forgets his previous life and totally gets connected with the new life. The body which takes birth is bound by the various PAASH(bindings) KAAM, KRODH, MADH, LOABH, Moah, Maya (already discussed in previous articles) etc. These PAASH always direct the Sooksham Shareer to work to satisfy them. Under the influence of these PAASH the human being are more attracted towards the SANSARIK OR BHOTIK( physical) satisfactions and attractions on the contrary the ATMA(soul) always advise the SOOKSHAM SHAREER to work for the spiritual satisfaction and work in the positive direction with NISHKAM BHAV to get rid of this repeated cycle of Birth and death. Lord Shiv is the only force who has created all these PAASH and only He knows how to come out of these PAASH. Since He is the PATI(owner) of these PAASH that is why LORD SHIV is also called PASHUPATI NATH. One temple of Lord Shiv with this name is present in the country of NEPAL

The life of this SOOKSHAM SHAREER depends upon so many things like the number SHWAS(breaths), total eatable quantity and so many other things. Knowing this the Rishi Muni’s of Hindu religion were living for thousands of year by stopping the breath with the help of Yoga. The life of the human depends upon the type of KARAMS that human life has done in the previous life. The KARAMFAL (result) is also depend on so many things(we will discuss the detail in our future articles). . The KARAMFAL again can be divided in so many categories and the present life is the result of some of the previous KARAMS AND some of the present life KARAMS. So, it is not necessary that we may see the result of our good or bad KARAMS immediately. Some time we see that the person who has done so many bad Karams are enjoying life and the person who has done so many good KARAMS are spending a miserable life. Actually the person who has done bad KARAMS and enjoying life is at the brink of finishing all his good KARAMS and just to finish it that person is enjoying in spite of bad KARAMS and the person who is doing good KARAMS is finishing the very few bad KARAMS left in his account by spending the painful life. The human being get the actual Yoni which he deserve when those few left good or bad KARAMS finish. But one thing we must keep in mind” NO BODY CAN SKIP THE KARAM BHOG”.

In this regard I will narrate one story- Once God Krishana along with His friend Arjun was roaming and in one city the Arjun told God Krishana that the king of that city is his friend and they visited him. That king did not attend them properly but at the time of leaving the God Krishana blessed him with more money etc. After few yards God Krishana told Arjun that one of His Bhakat(follower) is also living in that city and let us go to his house. They went there and that followers worshiped them and serve them with fresh cow milk which he was having. At the time of leaving his house God Krishana blessed him “ let your cow dies”. At this Arjun was very surprised and ask God Krishana that the king who did not attend them was blessed with money and the person who worshiped them was blessed with the death of his cow. Then the God Krishana told him that the good Karams of that king were about to finish that is why he was blessed with more money so that he may become more rude due to his false pride and goes to NARAK early. On the contrary the follower who has worshiped them was spending all his time in worshiping the God Krishana except the time he was spending in taking care of that cow. After the death of his cow now he will spend all the time in worshiping God Krishana and will get the MOKSH at the earlier. We will discuss in detail in our future articles about the KARAM FAL.

So, like that our body is made up of PANCH BHOOT(five basic articles) PRITHVI(dust), JAL(water), AGNI(fire or heat), VAYU(air) and AKKASH(sky). This body is bounded by the PAASHs and VIKAR and in the body we have one SUKSHAM SHAREER- in Hindu rituals when we burn the dead body and on fourth day when we collect the ashes at that time the priest at the cremenation ground use to show us a bone which has the shape of a sitting saint in SAMADHI and is called as ATMA RAM . In good person it is found full. It is believed that the SUKSHAM SHAREER or the JEEV ATMA lives in this bone. The Pram-Atma lives in between the two eyes in the form of light of millions of SUNs but very cool and pleasant. Giving the example of cloned Dolly, some people will say that how the Dolly was cloned then reply is that it is done with the help of nature only. They have taken a part of the body of the mother and not created the spurms of Dolly in laboratory. This may be a new thing for them but if they see our VED. SHASTRA they will get plenty of such examples of cloning, like the birth of KARAN from the EAR of his mother KUNTI. If these so called non believers do not know much about these things then it does not mean that it is not possible. Actually the present day science knows very little and just to show them on the top they are saying all these as mythology. No this is not mythology and this is very much scientific and far advance then the present day science.