Friday, September 30, 2011



As per the HINDU RELIGION the whole universe is made up of SHIV SHAKTI FORM  (शिव शक्ति रूप).  Generally it is considered that the the male part (पुरुष) is LORD SHIV (परमात्मा शिव ) and the female part is DEVI SHAKTI (देवी शक्ति).  But in fact it is not true.  The male and female form of SHIV AND SHAKTI is the human imagination.  In fact the LORD SAMB SADHA SHIV (साम्ब सदा शिव)  is the PARMATMA who is निराकार,निर्गुण (without any shape and any characterstics
) and when decided to become  VISIBLE AND WITH CHRACTERSTICS (साकार and सगुण) then the PARMATMA comes in the shape of SHIV AND SHAKTI.  Where the GOD SHIV imagined about the UNIVERSE and the SHAKTI implemented those imaginations and gave those a possible shape.  That is why in HINDU RELIGION the LORD SHIV is also seen as the HALF PORTION AS MALE AND HALF AS FEMALE and CALLED ARDHNARISHWR (अर्ध नारीश्वर)   
                    In Hindu religion the 3 main GODS are considered as the BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHR (ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और रूद्र).  The GOD BRAHMA creates the UNIVERSE, LORD VISHNU runs it and the GOD RUDHR destroys at the end. In fact the GOD RUDHR represents the LORD SHIV inसाकार and सगुण रूप while the GOD VISHNU represents the DEVI SHAKTI in (साकार and सगुण) form.  In the biggning of the UNIVERSE the LORD SHIV has told the GOD VISHNU that the GOD BRAHMA will create the UNIVERSE and will be just like Your Son and You will run the UNIVERSE and GOD RUDHR will end this UNIVERSE and will got everything merged into ME.  After the प्रलय (END OF LIFE) the GOD VISHNU will take rest in the water (नीर ) and when the appropriate time comes then again the GOD BRAHMA will come out from the नाभि of GOD VISHNU and will again creates the UNIVERSE.
                                     If we come out of the bias that the SHAKTI is a female then we can think that the SHAKTI is GOD VISHNU.   Since it is the duty of the GOD VISHNU to run the SRISHTI (universe).  No cycle can be run without being started by some one and also to start a cycle some energy is required.  The imagination of NATURE CYCLE is done by the LORD SHIV and is started and required energy is given by the GOD VISHNU.  It is also believed that the fifth and the  most important work  of PARMATMA that is MOKSH is done by LORD SHIV only (for this please see my article why I consider LORD SHIV AS PARMATMA).       

Also in the HINDU RELIGION the LORD SHIV is called the HAR and  GOD VISHNU is called the HARI that also shows that the real SHAKTI of the LORD SHIV is GOD VISHNU and SHIV-SHAKTI are not seaperable.  How GOD VISHNU and LORD SHIV are attached can be seen when we go through the various religious books of HINDU'S.  When ever the GOD VISHNU took birth to save the SRISHTI then always the LORD SHIV came to worship GOD VISHNU- Ref.  In RAMAYN when the GOD RAM was roaming in the DAANDKARNY (दंडकरणाय) searching for DEVI SITA at that time the GOD RUDHR along with the DEVI SATI  (देवी सती) came there and worship GOD RAM from a distance which created a doubt in the mind of DEVI SATI and when DEVI SATI went near GOD RAM as SITA  to verify whether GOD RAM is GOD VISHNU and why the GOD RUDHR has worshiped HIM .Then the GOD RAM recognized DEVI SATI and told HER that HE is doing it only for the purpose of LEELA  (लीला) because HE has came to earth as a MAN.  Also before attacking the LANKA GOD VISHNU worshiped LORD SHIV at the RAMESHWARM for the sucess.  Also when GOD VISHNU took birth as GOD KRISHNA then also GOD RUDHR went to the GOKUL as a SANYAASI and sit on an अनशन  to get the DARSHN of BAL GOPAL SHRI KRISHNA.  In the VRINDAVAN also GOD RUDHR went their as GOPI to participate in the RAAS LEELA.  So both the GOD RUDHR and GOD VISHNU are the same and are the actual SHIV SHAKTI ROOP.  At one time the GOD VISHNU took the MOHINI ROOP for LORD SHIV and on other occassion the GOD RUDHR took the GOPI ROOP for GOD VISHNU, which shows that they both are one and are not seaperable.  Otherwise also the ladies are suppose to be at the left side male and also the GOD VISHNU came out from the left side of the LORD SHIV. 
              Lord Shiv is worshiped in the form of LING while that LING is fixed on a base which represents the SHAKTI.  Similarly in OM (ॐ) the अ, उ,म are reperesented by GOD BRAHMA, VISHNU and RUDHR while the नाद represents the LORD SHIV and बिंदु represents the SHAKTI.   The actual form of SHAKTI is the JYOTI or the LIGHT.  Lord Shiv is also called the MAHAKAAL and at the end of the Universe every thing got merged in to HIM and only darkness remains.  In other words the modern scientists called " THIS UNIVERSE IS CREATED BY A BLACK HOLE AND AT LAST IT GET IN TO THAT BLACK HOLE AND NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THE DETAIL OF THE BLACK HOLE".  This BLACK HOLE is the mouth of the LORD SHIV.  The JYOTI or the LIGHT which emerged first of all is the SHAKTI.  In the end every thing will get in to this blackhole.         
Also in the human life  male puts the PRAAN in the UTREUS of the female and the mother gives those PRAAN a shape of PUNCHBHOOT SHRIR or the MAAYA.  Perhaps that is why the LADIES are considered to be SHAKTI or the MAAYA and the LORD SHIV is considered as the Father or the male.    

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