Saturday, June 13, 2009


When the human life in Asian sub-continent started devolping then the growth of Hindu style of life was adopted by the people and groups here. Plenty of vegetation, water,minerals and all types of whether conditions were available here. Man was having very wide scope of research in various fields and for that conducive circumstances were availabe and that is why the curious man did the maximum research here and was able to solve the maximum misteries of the life on earth. Though the ancient research could not be saved in any printing form and what ever could our forefather write and preserve they wrote it in the shape of Vedas. With the agression of spices from Desert and Snow(Mughals and Christians) that valuable Vedas were stolen or destroyed by them. The present day Science(I will not call it as Modern Science since I feel that our ancient Vedas and Granths were written on more scientific termonology and basis) converted and propogated our theories as Mythology. For example untill the Aeroplane was discovered by the new scientist, the present day Science has discarded the travel by Air in their PUSHPAK VIMAN(as said in Holy Ramayan) by Shri Ram from ShriLanka to Ayodhya . We can justify this thought by the fact that Deepwali is celebrated in the South inthe morning where the Pushpak Plane of Shri Ram reached in the morning and is celebrated in the north in the evening as they reached in Ayodhya by evening. Was any one of Present day Science could imagine 200 years back that any such plane is possible. So like wise the CLONING was very common in our Ancient Religious Books and were available in more advance stage like the growth of RAKTBEEJ etc. Also the concept of SORROGATED MOTHER was very popular in our ancient time culture and you can get a number of examples in our ancient books. Actually our Rishi-Muni were the Scientist and their pupils were the research scholars who were doing researches in their Ashrams and were helping their kings to use those research for their defence and for the welfare of their people.

Even at that time the people on the earth were having contacts with other earth which were having better life than earth and was called SWARG. This SWARG was protected for Devtas only and no body from the earth was allowed there. Similarly another possible life deep under the earth was known which was reserved for the Asurs and the possible entry to that PATAL LOK was somewhere near the BARAMODA TRIANGLE. All these things will be discussed in detail at later stage. Now comes the question who comes under the Hindu Religion. in this context I may say ANY PANTH WHICH IS STARTED FROM THE BHARAT MAY BE CONSIDERED AS PART OF HINDU RELIGION. In fact Hindu reliegion is a very good example of Peaceful Co- existance of different Panths inspite of divergent views. For example the followers of Sanatan Dharma blieve in the Murti Pooja and the followers of Arya Samaj are strictly against the Murti Pooja and follows the path of Yagh and Vedas. But both the panth peacefully exist in the Hindu Dharma. Actually the SANATAN DHARMA is the oldest form of Hindu Dharam and perhaps the oldest Religion of the world. The evolution of this Earth and Universe is described in this though today we call it as Mythology but tommorrow we may except it as fact. Unlike most of other religion, the basic faith of Hindu Religion is that there are many ways to find the Devine Soul(PRAMATMA means Param Atma). Within the Hindu religion, the various means to find the God are described as by means of TUP, SADHNA, KARMA, SAMARPAN and so on.

Another speciality of the Hindu Dharma is that unlike most of other religion it has very well recognised the human weaknesses and no body is discarded from the society for those weakness and even is not debarred from worshiping the GOD. For example the vegetarian can follow the Mahavir(Jain) philosphy and non vegetarian can follow the MAA KALI. Similarly the Hindu reliegion is never against the Reforms and with the passage of time and according to the need of the society the Hindu Dharma has changed itself for example after the Kaling War when most of the Young men were died in the War and Samrat Ashoka became the Bodh Bhikshu and left the home with his followers then due to war and Sanyas the man : woman ratio in the society was virtually got unbalanced and to avoid that situation the sex education was encouraged and the Konark Temple of Orissa is one such example. So, it shows that the Hindu Religion has always adjusted itself with the changing situation. These are the extra ordinary situations and in normal circumstances the common Principal of various Panth under the Hindu Religion is to give up KAAM, KRODH,MUDH, LOABH & MOH. This Principal is applicable to the Ghrasth(who has married) after 50 years of age(Sanyas- Taking retirement from active life.) and for Sadhu's who has never joined the married life.

The concept of taking Sanyas in modern life has changed. One can not imagine of going to forest for taking sanyas. But it does not mean that the sanyas has become irrelevent in modern life. For taking sanyas after achieving the age of 50 following are the tips in the Hindu Religion. But before giving these tips I will like to narrate one story.

In the bignning of this nature the All Mighty God was allotting age to the different spices HE has created. So He first of all called a Donkey. The aim for calling donkey was that he was to carry the loads and asked him how much age did he wants. He said that Sir, 100 years. God says O.K. The He called dog as he was to act as a watch man and asked him how much age do you want? He says Sir 100 years. God says O.K. Then he called Owl and as he was to remain awakened in the nights and asked him - how much age do you want? He says Sir, 100 years. God says O.K. Then All mighty God called the Man and asked him how much age do you want. The man said as much as you can give. The God calculated and found that only 25 years are left. God told man that only 25 years are left for him. The man started crying and created a scene and started protesting that I am being given the Karma Yoni(responsibility to run the nature) but I am being given only 25 years how is it possible and is not a fair distribution. God also thought that the man is right but as he has awarded the age to others so he cannot change His words so he first of all called the Donkey and requested him " you will have to work for the people taking their load from here to there and you will be beaten by them for nothing,so, what is the fun of having such a long age for you. why do'nt you give 25 years of your life to man. The donkey thought and said O.K. So like this the age of the man is increased by 25 years. Next HE called the dog and said you will have to watch the fields and houses of the man for the whole time and in lieu of that you will some time get some food and being abused by the man for creating noise even though you will be barking for the benefits of them. So why do'nt you give 25 years of your life to the man. He also said O.K. so like this the age of the man is increased to 75 years. At last the God called the Owl and asked you will have to awake in the night when the whole of the world will be sleeping so what is the fun of having such a long life and why do'nt you give 25 years of your age to the man and he also agreed to that. so like this the man got 100 years of life. Out of these 100 years the man has 25 years as his own life. From 26 to 50 years he keeps on working like a donkey for his family. After 50 years when he got tired and his position inthe family started dimnishing as his children get matured and his wife get more dependent on them, then the family members started neglecting him and whenever he says something then the other family members consider him as a barking dog,.so that is the life of dog which the man has to spent. After 75 years when he got tired of barking and becomes weak and completely use less then the family members give him a cart out of the home where he sleeps in the day and wake up in the nights and spend the life given to him by the OWL.

So Friends the purpose of this story was not to make you against the family life but it is told here to feel you how to manage your life at every stage keeping in mind your position and age factor. As said above I feel the following tips in the Hindu Religion can help us in managing our life after 50 years.
1. One should start winding up his very active life and instead of going ahead with new plans for his PHYSICAL GROWTH AND PROSPERITY one should start consolidating whatever he has done.
2. He should start giving charge to his sucessor in the family and at his work place.
3. He should start training the suitable person as his predecessors who will complete his incomplete works.
4. He should start giving the charge of his finances to his predecessor by allowing him to manage the finances under his watch without interfering unnecessrily in his affairs unless he find that any act of his predecessor can be disastrous.

After attaining the age of 50 years one should behave like MOTHER EARTH who do not care who has roped it but irrespective of theperson who has roped it, she gives fruits who so ever may take it. Like wise the person should be more for the society then for individula family. One should start deteching him from the family and shall work for the uplift of society . But one should not skip away the unfullfiled duties in family and work place which are incomplete and shall remain active as a WATCH DOG to his family and society in general to keep a check on the over all direction in which his family is moving and advise them accordingly without interfering in the day to day affairs and shall allow his sucessor to start learing how to manage their life without him.

Sanyas means detechment from the active life and move towards the spirtualism. Spirtulism means some thing to be done to satisfy your own soul. The basic MANTAR of sanyas is to give up KAAM, KRODH, MADH, LOBH & MOOH. What does it actually means. These are the actions which are interlinked with each other. Let us discuss this one by one.

1. Kaam.: In my opinion in Hindu religion it is not essentially means the Sex. Actually Kaam means anything which is done with a desire(Kamna) to get some thing. The desire can be of sexual satisfaction, money wise lust or any other desire. If the Kaam is sucessfully done then it gives rise to Madh or Ahankar(proud). Just to increase or save this proud, one wants to precure more and it further give rise to Loabh(greed) and due to this greed to save and enjoy whatever one has earned it gives rise to Mooh(attachment). so after attaining the age of 50 one should start giving up Kaam. Instead of doing something for our own self interest one should start deteching it self from self interest and start thinking in wider terms of society. It widely means that one should not have any Kamna when ever we do some work.

2. Krodh.: One of the reason for Krodh is non fullfilment of Kaamna(desire). When ever a person has a wish to get some thing and some Kaam(work) is done with a desire to get something for your own selfish end, then the failure in one's attempt to fullfill that Kamna is badly felt and give rise to Krodh. Though this is not the only reason of Krodh but this is one of the main reason of krodh.
3. Madh. This is another Vikar( weakness) which badly affects our life. When ever we get some sucess in any field then instead of paying regards to the God and the people and circumstances which has helped us in getting that sucess we start thinking our self great and tries to boost our image among others. But we forget that if in future if we will face any failure then we will definately get angry. Also to maintain the false image which we have tried to buildup we will definately try to do some thing to save that image giving rise to Loabh and Moah. so when ever we get any sucess we should first of all pay thanks to All Mighty God and to the people and circumstances which has helped us in getting that sucess it will help us to control our krodh if unfortunately we fail some where in our life.
4. Loabh.: When ever we get sucess we get a desire to save that sucess for future and do not want that some one else may also enjoy the fruits. We also wants to earn more sucesses to save our future. The person always feel insecured. We do not leave every thing to the Mother Nature and All Mighty God. Though we use to visit the Holy Places and worship in so many ways but only few of us leave every thing to the ALL MIGHTY GOD and try to secure our future our self. This insecurity give rise to collection for future and to save that collection it gives rise to Loabh. It does not means that we should stop doing Karma, but I mean that one should do Karm but not with too much greed for ourself and our family. One should do only those works to earn livelihoods which are not against the society and we should not save food at the cost of the others hunger. I remember the wording of Holyman Sant KabirDass

On the other side one should not be worried so much about the future generations at the cost of our present. In this regard I remember the story of a Seth. He was very rich and once he ask his accountant to count his money and tell how many of his future generation can enjoy that wealth. The accountant counted his wealth and says that Sir, upto seven generation you need not to worry. The Seth immediately got an Heart Attack and admitted to the Hospital when the Doctors asked him the reason for his worries then he told them that he was worried that what will happens to his eighth generation. So one should not be worried about the future at the cost of the present. We should remember that


The philosphical meaning of this is that if the children are nice then there is no need to save money as they are the best wealth in the world and if the children are character less and bad character then as much money as you may save but it will not be of any help and they will waste all

Actually Loabh is the one of biggest Vikar which is effecting our life and it is most difficult to give up Loabh, but one can certainly fix some limits to this

5. Moah.: Now comes another Vikar-Moah. This is another thing that is very necessary to run the society but very risky if a little excess is there it can be disastrous. Without Moah it is not possible to run the society. If mother is not having Moah for his children then she will not feed them. Also if the father is not having Moah with his family then he will not earn money to feed his family. But for the people above 50 it is the time that one shouid start sheding Moah. Moah towards money, moah towards fame,moah towards relative, moah towards near and dears, moah towards family and moah towards the own body and life. Since Main or Mera are the two hands of Moah. But we should keep in mind that it will be only our near and dear to whom we says Mere will take our body in the street in a Jaloos after death and it will be our own blood our son who will give the MukhAgani. If some one will ask my son after my death that why are you crying then he will say my Father has died similarly if some one will ask my wife that why are you crying then she will say my husband has died also my brother,sister or friends every one will cry because some of their relation has died. Actually they will cry for their own interest and their attachement with me and the benefit they were getting out of that relationship. But this is no scale that how much NIRMOHI I was. I will feel proud only if someone ask some body not in anyway related to me andcrying after my death, replies that I am crying because Parveen chander Jhanji has died and he was a good man. Because this is the Moah which do not allow us to come out of thought of doing something for myself then for my family and near and dears. This is only this Moah which has distorted the shape of our society. But we forget that today i am a strong man having all type of backing and and able to exploit the resources of society for my own selfish interest at the cost of the weak and poor people but what will happen to my future generations who may not be as strong as me and will be found standing in the que of those weak people whom I have exploited. We should think about that situation also and shall work to buildup such a society where weak or strong, rich or poor all type of my future generations feels safe and sound and I shall die with a satisfaction that I am dying in such a society where the future of my coming generations is safe.

So concluding this discussion I will like to say that one should give up Kaam(means desire or Kamna) and should keep on doing Karma without desire which will not give rise to krodh even if you fails in your attempts and when there will be no Kamna so it will not give you Madh(proud) whether you fails or suceed and you will be satisfied that you did the Karma up to your best. You will keep working without any Loabh because you are not doing it to achieve anything for your selfish interest so naturally it will not be of any harm to anyone as most of us do not wants to harm anyone without any reason may be financially or pshycologically. when there will be no selfish purpose then what ever we will do will not be of any harm to society at large. When no Loabh is there then the chances of Moah is also very less and will not dominate any of our action and will be good for our own self, our society our future generations and Mother nature. ALL MIGHTY GOD LOVES THOSE WHO LOVES MOTHER NATURE AND HER CHILDREN. This theory of giving up KAAM, KRODH MADH, LOABH AND MOAH is a common and basic philosphy of Hindu religion. We will now discuss the individual panths and various philosphies under the Hindu religion in detail-one by one.

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