Saturday, June 27, 2009


In Today’s life the main driving force for most of the people is science. People blindly follow whatever today’s scientists say. It does not mean that in past, the science was not recognized in our Hindu religion. Science was always recognized in our religion as VIGYAAN. It was the necessary part of our philosophy. Most of the things stated in our Religion are based on the scientific research done during that time. But unfortunately we could not preserve or save our ancient time researches in the printed or other forms. These researches were looted, hijacked, studied and destroyed by the people of other religions who attacked India. To create confusion about our religion and rituals, the priests of those religions termed these researches as MYTHOLOGY and tried to deviate our people to their religions. In fact, the present day science do not even know fully about the Sun and its Grah(planets) and our ancient Rishi Muni did not only know about the Sun and its Grah but know about so many other stars like Sun and were having access to so many stars and earths like planets. Today, the scientists instead of taking clues from these ancient Hindu Religious Books and try to find out about other planets or stars they are discarding it as mythology. This approach is completely unscientific and in fact shows the arrogant and proudly attitude of the present day science.

Actually in Science if it is necessary to give reasoning for every happening then it is also necessary to give reason to say why it can not happen? Simply saying that it can not happen because we do not know the reason for this is not the correct approach and is itself a hurdle in the growth of science. Most of our rituals are discarded by the scientists by saying those as Mythology. But it is not correct that without trying to find out the reason behind simply discard the things by saying it as Mythology.

For example the scientists says that worshiping the Peeple and ban on cutting of this tree is Mythology while later on this is proved that Peeple is the tree who emits OXYGEN for all the 24 hours in a day while all other tree emits CARBON DIOXIDE after sunset. Since the Oxygen is necessary for us to live that is why it was banned in our religion to cut it.

Similarly the butchering the cow is banned in our religion and cow is considered as mother. The reason behind this is that every thing in a cow is very important for us and even the urine passed by the cow is used in our Ayurvedic Medicines and the dunk is having anti-biotic character and repels the mosquito. That is why in our villages where people do not have the houses built up of bricks and cement and rather used the cow dunk is being pasted in the courtyard of their houses. So most of our customs and rituals are based on some scientific reasons and researches by our forefathers, but just to show as Modern and under the influence of the misreporting by the heads of the other religion we are discarding our religion, rituals and customs by saying those as Mythology, I do not mean that we should start pasting the cow dunks in our court yards in cities but I will say that we should not take Beef, as cow is giving us Milk which is most Hygienic and best for child health as it is light to digest and almost similar to mother’s feed. So, her everything is useful for mankind and should not be killed.

Also Hindu’s males are wearing Genou (it is a long thread wear around the neck under the arm and it goes to the lower part of the stomach below Nabhi). The scientists discard this as mythology. But if we see how it is helpful then we will find that while passing the urine the male has to fold this Genou and hang it on the ear. The weight of this Genou is such that when it is hanged on the ear while passing the urine at that time the whole weight of the Genou comes on one of our vein which is very important in the process of discharge of urine and it helps us to completely discharge the urine without and hurdle.

Some scientist says that performing Yag for bringing rain etc. is mythology. But they never try to know that what we are burning in the Yags and what will be the effect of that Ahuti’s (the material which is burnt) on the atmosphere and now even the science recognize that the sound has its effect in the atmosphere and the AKBAR era is not far away when TANSEN the famous lyrists has enlightened the Deyas (candles) without fire and brought the rain by his lyrics. Similarly the sound effect of those Mantars is such that it helps in the formation of clouds. Ultimately we can say that performing Yag’s for rain is not mythology and was based on some scientific reasons and it is another thing whether some one feel it relevant in today’s life or not.

Present day scientist says that Aruvedic, Yoga’s and Homeopathic are baseless and are unscientific. But this is not true. Our Rishi Muni’s better knows about the human body than the present day scientists. Their attitude was to know about the Mother Nature and try to find out that how we can live a life comfortably under the instructions of Nature. They were of the strong opinion that for every disease there is remedy provided in the nature. They found out how our body functions and what can be the reasons and causes of various diseases. They did also find out the remedial actions through the Yoga and Jari Buties (plants). They knew that the human body is very complex and has more acceptability to the natural plants and activities. That is why the Ayurveda is based on the plants which grows and not on the Chemicals. But present day’s science more believes in short cuts and instead of finding the remedial chemicals in the plants which are provided in the nature they are trying to create chemicals in the laboratories. These chemicals medicines cure one disease but create other problems. So without understanding the Mother Nature and finding remedies of our problems in the nature we are trying to control the nature which is never possible. I do not mean that we should stop research on the medicines or about diseases but I mean that we should try to find out the reason for occurrence of these problems and try to take help of the nature instead of controlling the nature. Like a Good Mechanic who tries to learn the Manual of the Machines first and try to find out the replacement of the part from the Company’s showroom that has made it. Using duplicate parts are never advisable.

Similarly a lot is said against the JYOTHISH (Astrology) AND VASTU SHASTRA. But both of these are quite Scientifics as even today’s science recognizes the effect of movement of the Moon on the water tides in Sea and the mental status of a psychiatric patient. The Jyotish Shastra is based on the scientific research of our forefathers about the effect on a person’s life with the movement of planets of Sun. When they all are roaming around the Sun and are naturally having co-relation with each other and our Jyotish is based on the effect of the movement of various planets on the human life. Before knowing the effect it is must to know that what was the position of the various planets when that person took birth and the effect of the movement of planets will be accordingly calculated. Also the VastuShastra is based on the magnetic effect of the magnetic field of earth on our life. And is based on the theory of the negative and positive waves.

So, ultimately we can say that the present day scientist instead of discarding the things as mythology shall try to understand and find out the reasons behind it and try to find out some new things. Also we should instead of taking confrontation with the Mother Nature, should try to understand it and find out the remedies within nature by its help.


1 comment:

  1. i want to know about sutar patak. is it true or what even please mention in details.
